twenty plus years of veggie gardening in the 98178
Early spring is the time to be hopeful. I've started the veggie garden again, and although there's always a lot of work to do, I'm hopelessly optimistic. Just as baseball season has started, and the Seattle Mariners are 3-0. It's easy to have delusions early in the season. It'll be a while before they are mathematically eliminated from post season contention, the dream can last until June, no? Same with the garden. Last summer was a bad one for the garden. First I managed to kill a bunch of tomato starts in the greenhouse. Then I didn't prepare the garden beds sufficiently, and the weeds got the upper hand. Plus I was busy working, and it was a hotter than usual summer, and I'd rather do almost anything else than be outside in the heat. But this year will be different. Mostly because I'm intentionally trying to make things easier. Instead of weeding and preparing seven or eight long garden beds in the backyard, I'm only doing five. To...