The Hooch is Ready

Thirty five years ago, I brewed several batches of beer, with mixed results. I recall sleeping upstairs, being awakened to exploding bottles downstairs after one of these batches was made. Fast forward thirty five years, and I'm back in touch with my inner bootlegger. When we harvested thornless blackberries a couple of months ago, I put three cups of them in a quart size Mason jar, and added sugar and vodka. I shook the jar daily. Today the berries got strained out, and strained again a couple of times more, and it was time to sample: I'm very pleased. Very nice blackberry flavor, but also very potently alcoholic, without it being intensely sweet. We may have the technology to all kinds of things, but berries ripen at a certain time.They ripen when they're ready. Last night Diane and I stopped in at the Lowercase Brewery in the South Park neighborhood of Seattle, a fabulous neighborhood community gathering spot. They don't have a kitchen so there are only a few foods...