It's not that hard to make decent pizza at home.

Of all the people I know, I am clearly the most pizza obsessed. The obsession started young, from the time I first tasted pizza at age five from the now long defunct pizzeria Luigi's in Hightstown, New Jersey. If my wallet and arteries allowed it, I'd be eating pizza daily. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be pizza, no question. Unfortunately, however, there's a lot of bad pizza out there. I'm in the Seattle area, where there is good pizza, and I enjoy going out for good pizza. Most recently I frequent the close to home and very good Smoking Monkey Pizza in downtown Renton. Their Bolognese pizza , made with sausage, sun dried tomatoes, and roasted peppers, is a favorite. But I also make pizza at home. It's cheaper, and it's fun to make. And if you're in a place without good pizza, that is your only option. But how? First, get a pizza stone, or unglazed tiles, or a cast iron pan. Those things help the texture and crispness ...