Flour, Sugar, and More

Flour, Sugar, and More From 2006 to about 2011/2012 I used to write about food fairly regularly on a blog called " A Displaced Hipster's Guide to Renton". It wasn't my blog. I sort of inherited it from my neighbor. The subheading was something like " My wife and I moved from Seattle to this noncultured backwater about twelve miles southeast called Renton, and this is how we survive." That was never the way I felt. We were coming down to Renton to eat at Gene's Ristorante years before we moved there, and I've always liked Renton. It never felt like a noncultured backwater to me, but maybe that has more to do with my being a noncultured slob myself. In any event, I reviewed a lot of Renton restaurants. And I still want to do that, but I want to do more. I also like to cook. I like to garden, and grow things to eat. And I don't limit every meal I eat to Renton. Food tastes good in other places too. Food obsessed. Moi? I'll get on to cooking an...