National Coffee Day, the caffeine scene of downtown Renton, and a fish taco update.

Somehow, it escaped me that National Coffee Day was just a few days ago.  A day late and a dollar short, I do want to praise coffee. 

I begged Grandma Sylvia to give me coffee when I was 5 years old. She eventually caved,  gave me a small cup that was 80% milk, and I was hooked.  At this point, a few years later, I generally drink coffee at home, coffee that I've roasted myself outside on the back porch. Coffee roasting can be an acrid smelling, smoky endeavor, so many years ago my coffee roasting was exiled outside, which is where it should be unless you've got some pretty powerful exhaust fans.

Despite my roasting and drinking most of my coffee at home, I've been to all of the places in downtown Renton that serve good coffee,  have seating, and it's acceptable to just have coffee. I'm not counting giant coffee chains that start with the letter S, even though Renton has a bunch of them. I'm talking about the independents.

Like anywhere else in the Seattle area, Renton is not lacking in places to get a cappuccino.

Going eastbound on S 3rd, Renton's main drag, we'll start with Boon Boona, at 724 S 3rd. Boon Boona is an Ethiopian coffee place, exclusively serving African coffees. They do their own roasting there, and prior to Covid, they had a lot of events there. The coffee is good, and the space is large, and cool. 

Moving on down the road, Common Ground is at 900 S 3rd St. They specialize in cupcakes. I can't, for the life of me, understand the appeal of cupcakes. But people who know and like cupcakes say that Common Ground's cupcakes are great. I wouldn't know a great cupcake if it walked up to me and hit me over the head. I do know that it's a pleasant place, and the coffee is good.

Liberty Cafe is next at 926 S 3rd. It's the oldest of downtown Renton's independent coffee shops. Home spun, artsy, and fun. It was started by Mike Moskowitz, who used to work at the old Jet City Espresso shop run by Debbie Natelson. Jet City was closed years ago to make way for the 2nd and Main apartments, and a few years ago, Mike sold Liberty to Debbie. She's expanded the food repertoire, and the place still attracts a colorful collection of oddball customers.( I mean that as a compliment.)

Last but not least, the newest place to get a caffeine buzz on is The Rose Gift House and Coffee, at 226 Main Ave S. The Rose is a lovely spot, and has very good coffee. But you know what else you can get there? A copy of my book! The book I wrote, the comic sci-fi genealogy novel called Everybody Comes From Somewhere. So now, in addition to being able to buy a copy at the estimable Smoking Monkey Pizza, you can also buy a copy at The Rose.

Last time I posted, I mentioned the best places for fish tacos in Renton. I left one out. Not on purpose. Taco Dudes and Caribbean, 365 S Grady Way, only recently opened for dining in. I'd had their fish tacos that I'd picked up and brought home, but there can be a huge difference in things eaten fresh, and ten minutes later. Taco Dude's tortillas are home made and excellent, and the fish tacos are exceptionally flavored. Best in town? I don't know. They've got some tough competition, but they're certainly in the top tier



  1. I don't care for Boon Boona's coffee, which is a shame as I really like the space. Apparently, I'm in the minority since they opened a second location on Capitol Hill. I'll explore the other places you mentioned.

    Keith Beesley, Skyway

  2. Tamara drive cousins seemed to get coffee on a regular basis way earlier than kids at Pine. At least the middle cousin S did for sure. I think I got it at 13?


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