National Coffee Day, the caffeine scene of downtown Renton, and a fish taco update.

Somehow, it escaped me that National Coffee Day was just a few days ago. A day late and a dollar short, I do want to praise coffee. I begged Grandma Sylvia to give me coffee when I was 5 years old. She eventually caved, gave me a small cup that was 80% milk, and I was hooked. At this point, a few years later, I generally drink coffee at home, coffee that I've roasted myself outside on the back porch. Coffee roasting can be an acrid smelling, smoky endeavor, so many years ago my coffee roasting was exiled outside, which is where it should be unless you've got some pretty powerful exhaust fans. Despite my roasting and drinking most of my coffee at home, I've been to all of the places in downtown Renton that serve good coffee, have seating, and it's acceptable to just have coffee. I'm not counting giant coffee chains that start with the letter S, even though Renton has a bunch of them. I'm talking about the independents. Like anywhere else in the Seattle area,...