Shameless self promotion

When I started Freakazoid Freddy Eats seven years ago, it was with the rule that the only thing that could be discussed was food. Not discussions of politics, religion, sex, literature, or the weather. Vegetable gardening would be okay, as well as recipes and restaurants. I've kept to that rule strictly. Until now. Why now? Because I wrote a book(under my real name), and I'm trying to hawk it. It's a science fiction/genealogy novel. And food does play a part in the book. How could it not, being written by someone so irreparably food obsessed? Also, you know where you can buy a copy? Smoking Monkey Pizza, 613 S 3rd St, in beautiful downtown Renton, Washington. How cool is that? The pizza is good, they have pickup and delivery, as well as dining in. Whether you can have a copy of my book delivered along with your pineapple and blue cheese pizza, I couldn't tell you. If you're nowhere near Renton, or are allergic to the smell of garlic and pizza dough, you can also ...