A Tale of Two Bakeries
When I was a kid, I hated sweets. My mother would offer me a piece of candy, and I would ask if I could have a few slices of cucumber instead. People don't believe me when I tell them this, but it's true. And, maybe coincidentally, I've only had three cavities my entire life( and I'm old!) But, alack and alas, over the decades , unfortunately, I've developed a taste for sweets. I still don't like candy, or cake, or macarons, or anything with icing or frosting on it. But cookies, pie, cinnamon rolls, baklava,strudel, tarts, etc, bring it on! Except nowadays, for health reasons, I'm mostly supposed to avoid sweets, which I mostly do. Anyway, to make a short story long, we were on our way back from walking the dog in Seward Park, and saw the Beach Bakery, at 7820 Rainier Ave S.Seattle 206-721-2225. I'd heard good things about it, but I was skeptical, because some people who like sweets like any kind of puffy white flour/white sugar sweet thing, and the...