2017 Annual Tomato Review

2017 Annual Tomato Review Every year I plant a lot of tomatoes that I start from seed. and always get a lot of tomatoes as a result. Even when the Seattle area gets rainy summers and people are complaining about the poor season for tomatoes, I get tomatoes. I'm not giving myself credit here, I'm not an especially good gardener. It's just that I select varieties that don't need a long season to turn red, and the backyard garden seems to be transplanted from another part of the country. It rains next to the house, but it's sunny in the garden, it's weird, like a patch of Arizona stuck there or something. Anyway, I experiment and usually try a couple of new varieties every year, but usually keep growing what I know will grow well. So, from left, these are the varieties grown this year: Sun Chocola(cherry tomato), Nov...