How many Mexican restaurants can downtown Renton support?

In Freakazoid Freddy's world, the answer to the question "How many Mexican restaurants can downtown Renton support?" would be " All that currently exist plus a few more." For Freakazoid Freddy loves Mexican food. many Mexican restaurants currently exist in downtown Renton? Well, it depends on your definition of downtown Renton, and your definition of Mexican restaurants. For the purposes of this post, I am defining downtown Renton as anywhere within one mile of 3rd and Burnett, generally recognized as the center of downtown Renton. Thus, it slightly extends beyond the generally recognized boundaries, but close enough. I am defining a Mexican restaurant as one that serves Mexican food, but must have indoor seating(so no taco trucks, much as I like them), cannot be part of a national chain(so no Taco Bell or Chipotle), and the food must resemble or be recognizable to people from Mexico( so no Taco Time, even though I like their white chicken chili)....